YW+A Students Visit Front Range Community College

Yesterday the YWCA’s Young Women+ Achievement program took a field trip to Front Range Community College’s Boulder County Campus in Longmont. The group consisted of 19 students from three Boulder Valley High Schools: Broomfield, New Vista and Arapahoe Ridge. The group was split up and led by two Front Range representatives - one tour in Spanish and the other in English.

During the tour of the campus, students learned about the diverse programs offered at the various Front Range locations. A senior from Arapahoe Ridge took note of the potential credit transfer from high school, “I’m going to find out about transferring credits and this tour made me more interested in finding out about the programs.” The tour guides placed an emphasis on their TRIO program, which is designed to support first generation college students. Maria from New Vista High School commented, “It surprised me that there is a program for first generation.” During the visit, there were many resources available for both academic support and mental health counseling.

The tour ended leaving students eager to learn more about student life, and the programs and resources Front Range has to offer. When asked about highlights of the tour one student said, “I feel like I have more opportunities at this school.”


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